To all of our customers and suppliers
In light of COVID-19 we hope that you might find the following message useful. The health, safety and well-being of our customers, suppliers and staff are our overwhelming priority but we aim to continue operating as normally as possible for as long as possible.
Please therefore note:
- We have not closed our factory but we are not allowing visitors into our buildings other than for essential maintenance purposes.
- Visitors are asked to please ring our bell and wait for attention.
- Our employees are equipped with the government recommended personal protection equipment, hand washing facilities and cleaning equipment to help keep us all safe.
- We are keeping all of our staff up-to-date with information about the virus, methods of control and NHS/Government websites for reference.
- We currently have enough stocks of raw materials and so we do not anticipate any shortages as a result of the current situation.
- We are continuing to take deliveries between Monday and Thursday 9am – 3pm and Friday 9am – 12 noon.
- We will continue to work closely with our suppliers and customers and as the situation develops we will communicate any relevant issues as they arise.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish you all the very best.
Buy Faceshields and Visors
In response to the governments request for help in manufacturing PPE we are now able to sell our own faceshields and visors.